Review :
Swimming with Sharks by Pangdemonium Productions
Venue : Drama
Centre TheatreDate : 20 September 2012 @ 8pm (preview night)
As I was walking from my chicken rice dinner (@ Seah Street)
to the National Library, I was wondering what to expect from Swimming with
Sharks (SwS). It was one of those things where I knew close-to-nothing about ..
I didn’t watch the Kevin Spacey movie .. neither did I read up about it on Wiki.
All I knew was Adrian Pang, Janice Koh and George Young were in it and directed
by Tracie Pang. Also I knew it had something to do with horrible bosses and
backstabbing in the world of Hollywood.
As I approached the Front of House (FoH), I was reminded
that this was the preview night and to remember that this is their first-est
night .. the night before opening night … and not be too critical. It was a
pretty full-out crowd .. mainly in the mid 20s to late 30s.
The set was fairly elaborate and detailed .. two levels …
reception area and a office/lounge area. The opening sequence on the screen set
the tone for the night and was a good light-hearted ice-breaker.
The story is very good and brilliant. As I promised not to
provide any storyline spoilers .. I will not talk about it but focus on the
overall acting on SwS. Adrian Pang was clearly AHEAD of anybody else on that
stage. His acting was sharp and delivery of lines was precise. Janice in her
role as Dawn Lockhart was fairly good with lots of emotion in her acting. I
could feel her pain and sadness through her voice and body language during
parts of the show. I think Janice is a very pretty lady and she suited that
role as the “seductress.”
The third main actor was George Young. George could be
considered the leading actor in this play as he appeared in almost all scenes
from the start to the end. This also meant that he would be up acting with
Adrian and Janice most of the time. I felt that George was overshadowed by
Adrian and Janice. His acting was very much single-dimension without much
depth. He delivered his lines fairly well (though there were a couple of
miscues in words) and his emotions only showed on his face and the volume of
his voice. He was either happy or sad. Nothing much in between. When he was
angry .. he looked sad .. when he was drunk .. he looked happy .. when he was
sad .. he looked sad .. I think you get the idea. Even during the “happy”
scenes with Janice … he seemed like he was just amused. He seemed better after
the interval. I also felt that it was
very strange and unnatural for him to like “bend down” every time he was talking
to Janice. I know there is a height difference but you can always maintain eye
contact though not at the same level.
The supporting actors / actress were fine though nothing
outstanding and their parts were also very small to comment upon.
The set design was nice and looked the part with expensive
sofas and furniture. However, the gripe I had was that the video screens at the
top half couldn’t be seen clearly from the sides of the theatre. The bottom
half of the screens were cut off due to the staircase and the floor of the
second level. I do admit that the videos shown were only a tiny part of the
play (more for dramatic effect and to cleverly insert a short internal to allow
for costume changes). There were certain portions where I could not hear the
actors as well. This was especially so when the actors were “upstairs.” When
they were downstairs, front and centre I could hear them very clearly. The
faces of the actors were also partially blocked when they were upstairs around
the table.
Overall, I feel that SwS has a very good storyline full of
twists and witty lines thrown in. I especially like the transition in George's character as the story progressed. The direction and choreography of the play was also very well done by having "several layers" of scenes within one (ie. something happening in the background while we are focussed on the foreground) However, based on what I saw, it could have
been slightly better. The acting could be a tad tighter and controlled. I cannot help but compare SwS with Spring Awakenings (also
produced by Pangdemonium : earlier 2012). In Spring Awakenings I could feel the
story as it grabbed me by the shoulders, slapped me around and spat at me while
I was left crying. The acting was powerful and the story came alive and I left
feeling in awe. As for SwS, the 3 lead roles were extremely important as they
represented almost 90% of the play. It was crucial that these three roles were
played strongly .. I left feeling like something was missing .. I left feeling
that so much more could be done to make the show more complete and something to
remember .. I assume it was down to the jitters and the nerves of “preview night”
All things considered, I still think that SwS is worth catching and is an excellent way of spending your evening (there is a chance of winning Club Med trips too). It is a very well scripted play with good acting and an excellent storyline. It is definitely something different .. but hey .. Pangdemonium does different very well...
All things considered, I still think that SwS is worth catching and is an excellent way of spending your evening (there is a chance of winning Club Med trips too). It is a very well scripted play with good acting and an excellent storyline. It is definitely something different .. but hey .. Pangdemonium does different very well...
…. Several friends caught SwS on Sunday 23/9/2012 and they
felt that it was better but also the sound and set issues still remained … I
may go watch it again sometime this week .. *BanG!!!!*
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